With the shift towards work from home, there has been an influx of new threats, technologies, and business models. Businesses who operate in the online world know that the technology landscape is constantly changing, and enhancing the security within the firm has become a need of the hour. The growing sophistication of the attacks has led various organizations to keep a close watch on the latest cybersecurity trends that are doing rounds in the cyber world.

A week and outdated security defense cost businesses billions of dollars in losses in the event of an attack. To improve security, it has become essential for businesses to focus on inside and outside threats. As far as the former is concerned, firms have to focus on training employees through online cyber security courses. And, for later, we have to round up the essential cyber security trends.

Geo-Targeted Phishing Attacks are on the Rise

The most pervasive threat to the It sector comes in the form of phishing attacks. The only difference between the current and old phishing attacks is that the new ones are more localized, more personal, and geo-targeted. 32 % of data breaches in 2019 involved phishing activities (Verizon). In 2020, there we more than 60,000 phishing websites and 1 in every 8 employees will share information on phishing sites. Firms have to invest in security awareness programs to deal with such attacks.

Source-payment source

Zero Trust Platforms will Accelerate

Zero trust platforms work on four principles: no user should be trusted by default, VPN and firewalls can’t work in a vacuum, identity and device authentication should take place throughout the network, and micro-segmentation helps in minimizing the damage from hackers. Businesses force customers to work securely through the zero trust platform.

Insider Threats Continue to Lurk

While focusing on the cyber security threats that come from external factors, firms can’t ignore those that come from within. Insider threats come from users that have legitimate access to company assets. And, they can be former employees, contractors, or partners who have access to confidential information. Other threats include security mishaps because of the carelessness of employees. Firms can use cyber security project tutorials to impart proper training to employees to solve this problem.

Cloud Security 

At present, almost every business migrates to the cloud. Most cloud services offer secure encryption, authentication, and audit logging. But, at the same time, some fail to isolate user data from other tenants sharing space in the cloud. Hence, there is a need to tighten cloud security. Poor cloud configuration will lead to cybercriminals bypassing internal policies that protect sensitive information in the cloud database. If you want to protect your business from advanced security attacks, count on Infosec4TC.

We offer top-rated online cybersecurity courses and also help businesses in finding loophole in their security system. 

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