![red team w2](https://www.infosec4tc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/red-team-w2.jpg)
The RED Teaming Workshop for OSCP Exam
*The Workshop Includes all LAB Licenses
Duration: 15 weeks (two session per week)
N. of Hours: 60 hours
Date: 20 May 2023
Course Overview
Read Teaming, Ethical Hacking (EH) and Penetration Testing are the most important and needed roles in the Cybersecurity world. Ethical hacking and Red Teaming without a doubt help the companies to be more secure as they play the same way malicious hackers Act and they always find loopholes inside of their systems, by doing so they help the companies be more secure against any possible cyber-attacks, all the other Cybersecurity fields are important however without the offensive Cybersecurity fields the companies are easily hackable.
The industry-leading Penetration Testing with Kali Linux (PWK/PEN-200) course introduces penetration testing methodologies, tools and techniques via hands-on experience and is self-paced. The OSCP is considered to be more technical than other ethical hacking certifications and is one of the few that requires evidence of practical penetration testing skills, this course will introduce red teaming technique to successfully conduct red teaming activity
No Prerequisites needed we will start from the beginning and take you to advanced level
Content overview
- Penetration Testing: What You Should Know
- Getting Comfortable with Kali Linux
- Command Line Fun
- Practical Tools
- Bash Scripting
- Passive Information Gathering
- Active Information Gathering
- Vulnerability Scanning
- Web Application Attacks
- Introduction to Buffer Overflows
- Windows Buffer Overflows
- Linux Buffer Overflows
- Client-Side Attacks
- Locating Public Exploits
- Fixing Exploits
- File Transfers
- Antivirus Evasion
- Privilege Escalation
- Password Attacks
- Port Redirection and Tunnelling
- Active Directory Attacks
- The Metasploit Framework
- PowerShell Empire
- Assembling the Pieces: Penetration Test Breakdown
- Trying Harder: The Labs